world without orphans

foundations for active engagement

Capacity Building: Training Program

Trauma Informed Awareness Training Curricula - 3 hour course

The Impact of Trauma on the Life of a Child by Ruby Johnston

This awareness-building workshop is designed to introduce participants to the topic of psychological trauma for children and how to build trauma-competent caregivers and service providers. It is a brief introduction to the more detailed Building Trauma Competent Care Providers® training series offered by the Global Capacity Building Network and LAMb International.

Becoming Trauma Informed​ Awareness Guide for Trainers - PDF
Becoming Trauma Informed Awareness Module - Powerpoint
Becoming Trauma Informed Awareness - Handouts Package
Becoming Trauma Informed Awareness - Cardex Visual Supplement

WWO also offers a full Trauma Competent Series offered as a Training of Trainers.  More information can be obtained by contacting us here:  

The Trauma Competent Series is as follows:
Level 1: Trauma Competency:  Understanding Psychological Trauma and Strategies That Work (3 days)
Level 2:  Trauma Competency:  Strategies for Working With Adolescents (3 days)
Level 3:  Trauma Competency:  Sensory Integration and Emotional Regulation Strategies (2 days)
Level 4:  Trauma Competency:  Secondary Traumatic Stress and Compassion Fatigue (the professional in Distress) (1 day)
Level 5:  Trauma Competency:  Building Resilience to Address the Impact of Trauma (1 day)
Level 6:  Trauma Competency:  Supportive Group Interventions for Children and Youth (1 day)
Level 7:  Trauma Competency:  Assessing and Developing a Trauma-Informed Organization (2 days)
