world without orphans

foundations for active engagement

Guide to Living Refreshed

LIVING REFRESHED: Spiritual, Relational, Practical Self-Care

The title of this section of the WWO Roadmap might sound selfish to you. Aren’t we supposed to put others first and not think about our own needs? We are certainly taught in scripture to consider others better than ourselves, but I cannot give to others what I do not have. If you ask me for $100 and I don’t have it to give, I cannot meet your need. If I am a burned-out leader, I’m unable to give spiritual, emotional, or practical support to those collaborating to care for orphans and vulnerable children and their families. When we care for ourselves by staying refreshed in our own relationships with God and close friends, and steward our time and energy well, we will also be well-prepared to collaborate as we serve with other leaders, on the journey together towards a World Without Orphans. THE VISION Our hope is that this first section...
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Spiritual Practices

A Youtube Playlist on devotional practices
Developing a lifestyle in which we remain in vital union with Jesus is vital, if we aim to live with “this hope” ever inside our hearts and overflowing through our lives and service. We ought to make our time with Jesus a habit, every bit as necessary as eating. Jesus said we won’t live by eating physical food alone but also by every word that comes from God’s mouth (Matthew 4:4). So we disciple ourselves into various spiritual practices that help grow and sustain our relationship with Jesus. They will keep us from losing connection with the Head of the body (Colossians 2:19) and leaving our first love (Revelations 4:4), as was the case of the church in the scripture above, which, despite its hard work, perseverance, and the endurance of hardships was in danger of being removed. Practicing these spiritual connection moments, helps us remain closely connected to Jesus and mindful of His continuous Presence. Some examples and suggestions can be found here:
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Secret Place

A Youtube Playlist on devotional practices
How do you fill yourself up so that you can meet the needs of those you lead? Secret place devotional practices may include Praise, Thanksgiving, Adoration, Cultivating Intimacy and keeping God’s testimonies.
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Full WWO Roadmap and Roadmap Summary

Multiple languages available
Full WWO Roadmap: English - WWO Full Roadmap French - WWO Carte de Route Spanish - WWO Hoja de Ruta WWO Roadmap Summary (8 pages): Albanian - Udhërrëfyesi “Bota Pa Jetimë” Akan - Wiase A Enni nyisaa Roadmap Arabic - خارطة الطريق لعالم بلا أيتام الملخص Bemba - Icalo Icishabamo Abana Banshiwa Bulgarian - Пътна Карта На «Свят Без Сираци» English - WWO Roadmap Summary French - Introduction à la WWO Feuille de Route German - Eine Einführung In Die Roadmap Von WWO Hindi - WWO दिशानिर्देश सारांश Korean - 고아가 없는 세상(World Without Orphan이하WWO) 지침서 Luganda - Olugendo Lw'ekitongole Ekiyibwa “Ensi Omutali Mulekwa” Mandarin - 世界无孤儿路线图 执行摘要 Mongolian - Өнчин Хүүхдүүдгүй Дэлхийн Замын Хөтөч Nbele - I Roadmap Yomhlaba Ongela Zintandane (WORLD WITHOUT ORPHANS) Nyanja - Dziko Lopanda Ana Amasiye Polish - Plan Działania “Świata...
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Parenting Training: Workbook

Ready or Not

30-Day Discovery For Families Growing Through Foster Care and Adoption by Pam Parish
Ready or Not is a resource designed to guide potential foster or adoptive parents to prayerfully consider their calling to reflect God’s heart for orphaned and at-risk children. It is designed to be used by parents or as part of a group study. Open the 30-Day Discovery pdf
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God speaks to us through Scripture, through visions, and through dreams, as we’ve seen, but he also speaks to us in a gentle whisper. In this session, we discuss how God uses our thoughts and spirits to communicate this way and how to recognize his voice. Journaling is the best way to record what you hear when God speaks to you in a whisper. Here, you’ll learn some simple ways to put listening and journaling into practice.
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Bible Meditation

The Bible is infallible, inerrant, and our supreme authority for faith and life. It is living and active and has the power to transform. God loves to speak to us through his word and encourages us to diligently seek him there. As we pursue Jesus in his word, he promises to guide us into all truth. This session offers some practical tools to help you hear God through Scripture.
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Developing a Strong Spirit

Developing a strong spirit is vital for us as believers as we walk this journey of faith. A strong spirit hears from God. A strong spirit keeps us in joy and peace when the storms of life come against us. The Bible tells us that we can “grow strong” in Spirit, which means we should know how. This session discusses the ways we can develop a strong spirit so that we can strengthen others.
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Does God Speak Today?

God is a communicator. It is his nature. The goal of this course is to equip and encourage you in the adventure of hearing God. Whether you’re a veteran of listening to his voice or a newcomer to this theology, this series will give you Biblical teaching and practical tools for your spiritual journey. In this first session, we answer the question everyone is asking: Does God speak today? And offer some important guidelines as you pursue a lifestyle of communicating with God.
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WWO Results Measures

The WWO Key Results measures align with WWO Objectives. These Key Results are based on the WWO Global Strategy: 2020-2023, which emphasizes a combination of an organization and a network that links the stability of organization structure with the nimbleness and access of networks. Download WWO Results Measures WWO Monitoring and Evaluation - Copy of Digital Survey Closeness to God among those doing God’s work” (Duke Divinity School)
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