world without orphans

foundations for active engagement

Good Schools Toolkit


The Good Schools Toolkit was created to help educators and students explore what makes a healthy, vibrant and positive school, and guide them through a process to create their vision. The program focuses on influencing a child’s school experience and whole-school culture, to help reduce peer violence in schools, among other outcomes. Led by a team of two teachers, two students and two school-linked community members, the program influences school-wide culture through four entry points: teacher-student relationships, peerto- peer relationships, student and teacher to school relationships, and parent and community relationships.

In one study, GST use reduced the risk of physical vio-lence by teachers and school staff against children by 42%, and 50% fewer teachers reported using physical violence against students in intervention schools compared to controls. The GST was created by the Ugandan-based NGO Raising Voices, is recommended by the World Health Organization, and has been implemented across countries for children ages 5 – 17 years.

INSPIRE Handbook
