INSPIRE: Seven Strategies to End Violence Against Children
Initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with 8 other global agencies, INSPIRE builds on the best of THRIVES: Core Strategies to Prevent Violence Against Children from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and UNICEF’s Ending Violence Against Children: Six Strategies for Action.
INSPIRE Full Report in Other Languages
INSPIRE technical package for ending violence against children
Press Release: Global leaders and youth advocates launch new partnership and fund to end violence against children everywhere
NEW YORK, 12 July 2016 – Today at the United Nations, children joined world leaders to launch a new partnership and fund to make ending violence a public priority and a collective responsibility. brings together governments, foundations, the UN, civil society, the academia, the private sector and young people in driving action toward achieving the new global target to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children. "The Global Partnership to End Violence against Children is mobilizing the world,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “There could be no more meaningful way to help realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." Read the full press release...
- Globally, nearly 2 of every 3 girls and 3 of 4 boys experience violence in childhood.
- 1 out of every 4 Cambodian children are emotionally abused.
- In Haiti, 3 out of every 5 children have reported experiencing physical violence.
- Data from Swaziland show that girls exposed to childhood sexual violence are nearly 4 times more likely to be infected with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
We MUST provide safe, stable and nurturing relationships - otherwise children suffer brain damage.
Watch the excellent Core Concepts in Early Development video clips from Harvard to understand more!
You can impact your community through a number of the INSPIRE components below. We have highlighted available resources to equip your church or ministry to make a difference in the lives of children in your community!
Implementation and Enforcement of Laws
Objective: Ensure the implementation and enforcement of laws to prevent violent behaviours, reduce excessive alcohol use, and limit youth access to firearms and other weapons.
Norms and Values
Objective: Strengthen norms and values that support non-violent, respectful, nurturing, positive and gender equitable relationships for all children and adolescents
Norms and Values Resources
SASA! is a groundbreaking community mobilization approach developed by Raising Voices for preventing violence against women and HIV. It is uniquely designed to address a core driver of violence against women and HIV: the imbalance of power between women and men, girls and boys. Documented in a comprehensive and easy-to-use Activist Kit, SASA! inspires and enables communities to rethink and reshape social norms.
Learn more and download the SASA Activist Kit!
Sasa is a Kiswahili word that means now. Now is the time to prevent violence against women and its connection to HIV/AIDS. We all have the power to act!
Safe Environments
Objective: Create and sustain safe streets and other environments where children and youth gather and spend time
Parent and Caregiver Support
Objective: Reduce harsh parenting practices and create positive parent-child relationships
Parent and Caregiver Support Resources
Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) is a suite of parenting programmes to prevent violence. These affordable parenting programmes from the World Health Organization are designed to prevent violence for low-resource settings.
Read more about the aim, rationale and approach of Parenting for Lifelong Health
PLH for Teens – Facilitator manual
PLH for Teens – Facilitator manual
PLH for Teens – Family guidebook
PLH for Teens – HIV-enhanced Facilitator manual
PLH for Young Children – Facilitator manual
PLH for Young Children – Parent handbook
Income and economic strengthening
Objective: Improve families’ economic security and stability, thereby reducing intimate partner violence and child maltreatment
Recommended program for churches: A widely used and generously available curriculum that builds the capacity of the local church to train its local leaders in appropriate aspects of small group savings and loans, uses Community Savings and Loans Groups to help. The weekly small group savings and loan program is designed by HOPE International to be implemented as part of local church programs and plans. Needed resources for teaching this course can be found here:
Restore: Savings – Church Facilitator Guide
Response and Support Services
Objective: Improve access to goodquality health, social welfare and criminal justice support services for all children who need them – including for reporting violence – to reduce the long-term impact of violence
Education and Life Skills
Objective: Increase children’s access to more effective, gender-equitable education, social-emotional learning and life-skills training, and ensure that school environments are safe and enabling
Education and Life Skills Resources
Raising Voices developed the Good School Toolkit to help educators explore what a good school is and guide them through a process that will help them create one.
The Good School Toolkit is a methodology created to help educators and students explore what makes a healthy, vibrant, and positive school and guide them through a process to create their vision. It deliberately focuses on ideas and activities that do not require dedicated financial resources—just commitment and perseverance to create something extraordinary.34images
- The Introductory Package introduces you to the Good School Toolkit and provides the necessary tools to inform your decision to embark upon the journey to creating a Good School
- Package Two assists educators in preparing a team of community members who are dedicated to joining you on the journey to creating a Good School and explores what it means to be a good teacher.
- Package Three addresses discipline and helps educators to establish a school culture and disciplinary methods that support positive discipline instead of corporal punishment. It also provides steps to think about the future, plan for the way forward, and measure and celebrate your success!